我正在 html 页面上制作 preg_replace.我的模式旨在为 html 中的某些单词添加周围的标签.但是,有时我的正则表达式会修改 html 标签.例如,当我尝试替换此文本时:
I am making a preg_replace on html page. My pattern is aimed to add surrounding tag to some words in html. However, sometimes my regular expression modifies html tags. For example, when I try to replace this text:
<a href="example.com" alt="yasar home page">yasar</a>
这样 yasar
读取 <span class="selected-word">yasar</span>
,我的正则表达式也替换了锚的 alt 属性中的 yasar标签.我使用的当前 preg_replace()
So that yasar
reads <span class="selected-word">yasar</span>
, my regular expression also replaces yasar in alt attribute of anchor tag. Current preg_replace()
I am using looks like this:
preg_replace("/(asf|gfd|oyws)/", '<span class=something>${1}</span>',$target);
如何制作正则表达式,使其不匹配 html 标签内的任何内容?
How can I make a regular expression, so that it doesn't match anything inside a html tag?
您可以为此使用断言,因为您只需要确保搜索的词出现在 >
之后的某个时间,或者在任何 <
You can use an assertion for that, as you just have to ensure that the searched words occur somewhen after an >
, or before any <
. The latter test is easier to accomplish as lookahead assertions can be variable length:
另见 http://www.regular-expressions.info/lookaround.html 以获得很好的解释断言语法.
See also http://www.regular-expressions.info/lookaround.html for a nice explanation of that assertion syntax.