在IntelliJ IDEA中,当我编辑HTML文件并打开标签例如< td>
时,它会自动添加结束标记 < / td>
In IntelliJ IDEA, when I am editing an HTML file and open a tag for example <td>
it will automatically add the closing tag </td>
right after it.
I find this intensely irritating 98% of the time and only slightly useful the remaining 2% but I cannot figure out how to switch it off.
导航到设置 - >编辑 - >智能键
Navigate to Settings->Editor->Smart Keys
取消选中XML / HTML部分中的自动插入结束标记。
Uncheck "Automatically Insert Closing Tag" in the XML/HTML section.
在IntelliJ 15+中,这已移至此处(感谢@Philihp Busby):
设置 - >编辑器 - >常规 - >智能键 - >在标签完成时插入结束标签
Settings -> Editor -> General -> Smart Keys -> "Insert closing tag on tag completion"
这篇关于Intellij IDEA自动关闭HTML标签,如何禁用它?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!