我正在尝试使用 MSI SDR加密狗进行交互android应用
I am trying to interface with an MSI SDR dongle, using an android app
此设备是SDRPlay SDR设备的克隆,并与其软件和驱动程序兼容
This device is a clone of the SDRPlay SDR device, and is compatible with it's software and drivers
I am trying to interface with this using an OTG cable and android phone
可从此处 https://www.sdrplay.com/downloads/下载android驱动程序
它位于API/HW – V2.11(2017年11月15日)链接下的Android选项卡中( https://www.sdrplay.com/anddl.php )
It is in the Android tab under the API/HW – V2.11 (15TH NOV 2017) link (https://www.sdrplay.com/anddl.php)
可以在以下位置找到此驱动程序的示例代码: https://www.sdrplay .com/docs/AndroidIntegrationNote.pdf
A possible sample code for this driver can be found here: https://www.sdrplay.com/docs/AndroidIntegrationNote.pdf
Before making the full android program it says the library (libmir_sdr_api.a) should be built into an .so library file using ndk-build
我目前在这里有Android的hello-jni示例项目: https://github.com/android/ndk-samples/tree/android-mk/hello-jni
I currently have Android's hello-jni sample project from here: https://github.com/android/ndk-samples/tree/android-mk/hello-jni
I have replaced the jni folder using the Android.mk file, libmir_sdr_api.a, mir_sdr.h, initialization-jni.cpp, demod-jni.cpp and demod-jni.h files mentioned in section 3 of the AndroidIntegrationNote.pdf file I linked above
When I execute ndk-build from the hello-jni project folder, I get he following error:
Android NDK: Found platform level in ./default.properties. Setting APP_PLATFORM to android-25.
Android NDK: android-25 is an alias for android-24. Adjusting APP_PLATFORM to match.
[arm64-v8a] Gdbserver : [aarch64-linux-android] libs/arm64-v8a/gdbserver
[arm64-v8a] Gdbsetup : libs/arm64-v8a/gdb.setup
[x86_64] Gdbserver : [x86_64-linux-android] libs/x86_64/gdbserver
[x86_64] Gdbsetup : libs/x86_64/gdb.setup
[armeabi-v7a] Gdbserver : [arm-linux-androideabi] libs/armeabi-v7a/gdbserver
[armeabi-v7a] Gdbsetup : libs/armeabi-v7a/gdb.setup
[x86] Gdbserver : [i686-linux-android] libs/x86/gdbserver
[x86] Gdbsetup : libs/x86/gdb.setup
make: *** No rule to make target 'jni/initialisation-jni.cpp', needed by 'obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs-debug/mirics-jni/initialisation-jni.o'. Stop.
我曾经使用Android Studio和cmake来编译NDK代码,所以我不确定这里发生了什么.我也无法通过cmake链接.a文件,因此我想尝试一下驱动程序制造商的示例代码,但它也不起作用. pdf档案中的Android.mk档案先前连结是否不完整,还是我无法正确建立?这些是Android.mk文件的内容:
I am used to compiling NDK code suing Android Studio and cmake so I am not sure what is going on here. I have not been able to link the .a file through cmake either so I thought of giving the driver manufacturer's sample code a try, but it not working either. Is the Android.mk file in pdf file linked earlier incomplete, or am I not building it correctly? These are the contents of the Android.mk file:
# $(call my-dir) returns the local directory which is the jni directory
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
# libmir_sdr_api.a – this section creates a version of the Mirics API to be used below
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := mir_sdr_api-prebuilt
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := libmir_sdr_api.a
LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDES := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
# mirics-jni – this section uses the jni C++ source code to build the dynamic library
LOCAL_MODULE := mirics-jni
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := initialisation-jni.cpp demod-jni.cpp
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(call my-dir)
LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := mir_sdr_api-prebuilt
z ation-jni.cpp
Regarding missing jni/initialisation-jni.cpp
, you probably have the file jni/initiali
不幸的是,文档是错误的.您只能在文件顶部轻松使用$(call my-dir)
.幸运的是,Android NDK添加了 jni 目录来为您提供路径.不过,为了安全起见,最好写:
Also, unfortunately, the document is wrong. You can only use $(call my-dir)
easily at the top of the file. Luckily, Android NDK adds the jni directory to includes path for you. Still, to be on the safe side, better write:
# $(call my-dir) returns the local directory which is the jni directory
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
# libmir_sdr_api.a – this section creates a version of the Mirics API to be used below
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := mir_sdr_api-prebuilt
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := libmir_sdr_api.a
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
# mirics-jni – this section uses the jni C++ source code to build the dynamic library
LOCAL_MODULE := mirics-jni
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := initialization-jni.cpp demod-jni.cpp
LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := mir_sdr_api-prebuilt
最后,请注意您的构建过程.您只有一种 libmir_sdr_api.a 静态库,它是为32位ARM CPU构建的.因此,您无法为其他体系结构构建 libmirics-jni.so .添加
Finally, pay attention to your build process. You only have one kind of the libmir_sdr_api.a static library, it's built for a 32-bit ARM CPU. Therefore you cannot build your libmirics-jni.so for other architectures. Add
APP_ABIS = armeabi-v7a
到您的 Application.mk 文件,或指定
abifilters = armeabi-v7a
如果您在Android Studio中构建库,请在 build.gradle 中
in your build.gradle, if you build your library in Android Studio.
这篇关于MSI SDR设备示例代码无法编译的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!