


So, I am fairly new to mobile app developing. Are currently making project documents for a mobile app, and I want some input on what database solution I should use.

1)移动应用 - >仅在线一个数据库

1) mobile app -> online only -> talking to a database


2) I Have several webservers up and running (mysql mostly), possible to use?

- 在服务器上设置mysql数据库?
- 使用某种基于云的解决方案?
- 任何API考量?

So my question is simple :) What solution should I use for my mobile app database.- Setup a mysql database on a server?- Use some kind of cloud based solution?- Any API considurations?

  • 需要是android和ios的最佳实践。


Any and all suggestions is much appreciated! Thanks all! You are AWESOME!


Tom - 如果您需要数据可离线访问但没有互联网连接,那么您应该使用SQLITE数据库作为android / ios的一部分。

Tom - If you need data to be available offline without internet connectivity then you should you SQLITE database which comes as part of android/ios.

如果您的应用程序将数据保存在服务器上,而其他门户或其他设备/ server和mysql数据库。

If your app saves the data on server which in turn is used by other portal or other devices (sharing) then consider storing data via web/server and mysql database.


So really it depends on the usage and sharing requirements. Storing data locally has much benefit because it is faster, no network required, data always available, and not using network also increases battery life..


09-05 17:07