使用Google Play开发者控制台,我在支持的设备中找不到 SM-N9005(三星Galaxy Note 3)。
Using the Google Play Developer Console I can't find the SM-N9005 (Samsung Galaxy Note 3) in supported devices.
在所有设备 ,受支持 ,不受支持 和手动排除 我找不到 SM-N9005 ...
In "all devices", "supported", "unsupported" and "manually excluded" I can't find SM-N9005...
,但是有很多Galaxy Note 3。
but there are a lot of Galaxy Note 3.
如果我在Google Play中搜索我的应用商店我可以看到不支持SM-N9005。
清单中没有特别限制...其他Galaxy Note 3受到很好的支持。
If I search for my app in the Google Play Store i can see that the SM-N9005 is not supported.There's no particular restriction in the manifest...other Galaxy Note 3 are well supported.Does anyone can help me?Regards
在Google Play开发者控制台中,SM-N9005(Galaxy Note 3)被映射为hlte(三星) Galaxy Note 3 Duos)。
In Google Play Developer Console the SM-N9005 (Galaxy Note 3) is mapped as hlte (Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Duos).
这是一个奇怪的匹配,因为SM-N9005不是双卡双待设备,但Galaxy Note 3 Duos有两个SIM卡。 / p>
This is a strange matching because the SM-N9005 isn't a dual sim device, but the Galaxy Note 3 Duos has two sim.