本文介绍了成员变量VS setArguments的片段的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I've noticed that in the Android reference for Fragments (notably DialogFragment) that they do a couple of things different from what I'd expect:


1). Use public static foo newInstance() method rather than a constructor.
2). Pass values to onCreateDialog using setArguments rather than member variables.


I've read that newInstance appears to be preferrable when using reflection. However I really don't understand why they're passing parameters via a bundle. I'd have though using member variables would be safer (not using a string to fetch from a map) and would have less of an overhead.




I've also stumbled upon this and found a few advantages to using the arguments Bundle over instance fields:

  • 如果它在一个捆绑 Android系统知道它,可以创建和摧毁你的片段 (使用强制参/默认的构造和平常生命周期方法),而只是通过在参数重新捆绑。这样,没有参数迷失在低内存查杀小号preE或最终的方向改变(这常常打我的第一个发展中的较少旋转的仿真器后部署到真实设备)。

  • If it's in a Bundle the Android system knows about it and can create and destroy your Fragment (using the mandatory parameterless/default constructor and usual lifecycle methods), and just pass in the arguments bundle again. This way no arguments get lost on a low memory killing spree or the eventual orientation changes (this often hits me on first deploy to a real device after development in the less-rotating emulator).

您可以只通过额外捆绑活动的作为-是一个片段嵌在布局;例如我经常用这个当我有一个活动显示一个片段全屏,需要一定的ID(或的ContentProvider URI)知道该怎么显示/做。我有时甚至添加更多的东西到捆绑(或复印件)之前,我通过它,例如:

You can just pass the extras Bundle of an Activity as-is to a Fragment embedded in the layout; e.g. I often use this when I have an Activity that displays a Fragment "fullscreen" and needs some ID (or ContentProvider URI) to know what to display/do. I sometimes even add more stuff to a Bundle (or a copy) before I pass it on, e.g.

protected void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) {

  if (savedInstanceState == null) { // not a re-creation
    final Bundle args = new Bundle(getIntent().getExtras());
    args.putInt(CoverImageFragment.BACKGROUND_RESOURCE, android.R.color.black);
    final Fragment fragment = CoverImageFragment.newInstance(args);
      .add(android.R.id.content, fragment)

  • 它使开发片段接近一个活动的,即<$的方式C $ C>捆绑为输入参数,没有例外。

  • It keeps the way of developing a Fragment close to that of an Activity, i.e. Bundle as "input parameters, no exceptions".


    • 我觉得开销是最小的,因为你很可能不会被查询捆绑在一个紧密的循环,因此让出曾经在你的论点的数据的onCreate() onViewCreate()等并不坏。

    • I think the overhead is minimal because you most likely won't be querying the Bundle in a tight loop, so getting your argument data out once in onCreate(), onViewCreate(), etc. isn't that bad.


    For type-safety, Bundle has all the different getXXXX() methods, and even overloads to provide a default value if a something is missing/optional :)

    对于的newInstance()的方法,我认为他们是一个简单的方法来封装 setArguments()要求我的片段;我有时会提供额外的 MyFragment的newInstance(字符串singleIdOfWhatToDisplay)创建两个捆绑片段一气呵成,并返回一个随时可以去片段实例。

    As for the newInstance() methods, I think of them as an easy way to encapsulate the new and setArguments() calls for my Fragment; I sometimes provide an additional MyFragment newInstance(String singleIdOfWhatToDisplay) that creates both the Bundle and Fragment in one go and returns a ready-to-go Fragment instance.

    这篇关于成员变量VS setArguments的片段的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

  • 07-29 17:24