Bluetooth LE Jedi是否知道如何在廉价的Android 4.4设备上获得可靠的BLE扫描模式的技巧?
Would a Bluetooth LE Jedi know any trick how to get a reliable BLE scanning mode on cheap Android 4.4 devices ?
从Android 5到6,一切正常,大多数Android 4.4手机...
Everything works fine from Android 5 to 6, and most of the Android 4.4 phones...However, on some cheap phones with 4.4 we encounter random issues, some phones do not detect anything, or sometimes just a few beacons among others, depending on environment, daytime, weather, or whatever... It's obviously due to a poor software or hardware on this side, but is there any trick to make it more stable programmatically ? (for example enabling / disabling Bluetooth regularly)
首先,请注意,对于我可以测试的所有扫描应用程序,行为都是完全相同的(Estimote, Kontakt.io,AltBeacon等)-因此,这很可能与应用程序实现无关。
First, note that it is the exact same behavior with all scanning Apps I could test (Estimote, Kontakt.io, AltBeacon, etc. etc.) - so this is much probably not a matter of App implementation.
它仅在Android 5(4.4.2, 4.4.3、4.4.4)和便宜的设备上,例如三星S5等手机上绝对不能。
It occurs only below Android 5 (4.4.2, 4.4.3, 4.4.4) and on cheap devices, never on phones like a Samsung S5 for example.
The behavior: let's assume we have 5 beacons very close (less than 2 meters, all working fine).- Once rebooted the phone finds 5 beacons for 1 or 2 minutes.- Then it finds nothing for 5 minutes.- After a refresh it finds 2 beacons.- Another refresh of the scan: only 1 found. Then none... etc.
启用/禁用Wifi /蓝牙,Bluetooth + Wifi,Wifi然后是Bluetooth等,有时使扫描找到更多信标,有时却没有...如果我只是等待而不更改这些参数,则可能没有太大区别。
I could not find any logic, for now it looks erratic.Enabling / disabling Wifi / Bluetooth, Bluetooth+Wifi, Wifi then Bluetooth, etc. make sometimes the scan find one more beacon, sometimes not... there is probably not much difference if I just wait without changing those params.
The only way to get back a reliable scan is to reboot the device... then it works only for 1 or 2 minutes again...
它发生在一些非常不同的设备上(例如Wiko Sunset,Samsung XCover和Orange Roya)。
It occurs on some very different devices (a Wiko Sunset, a Samsung XCover, an Orange Roya).
在更新的设备上(Nexus 6,Samsung S5,Samsung A4 ...),可以检测到100%的信标,持续数小时,并且永不丢失。
On more recent devices (Nexus 6, Samsung S5, Samsung A4...), 100% of the beacons are detected, for hours, and never lost.
So, as the complete reboot is actually the best solution to get all beacons detected I was wondering if there is a way to "refresh" the device's Bluetooth module without rebooting it... Or if we just have to become a philosopher about this ;-)
if you are develop your application using node.js then there are many api's avaliable which may work for you.But in case of android it is totally depend on your android version
这篇关于Android 4.4 BLE扫描缺乏稳定性的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!