尽管我似乎无法运行模拟器,但我正在Android Studio(测试版)0.8.9中构建应用程序.我已经通过选项制作了Nexus 4和Nexus 5仿真器,但似乎无法启动它们.它在运行应用程序"选项卡中显示.
I'm building an app in Android Studio (beta) 0.8.9, though I can't seem to get emulators running. I've made a Nexus 4 and 5 emulator through the options, but I can't seem to get them started. It shows this in the Run App tab.
Waiting for device.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-studio\sdk\tools\emulator.exe" -avd smallEmulator -netspeed full -netdelay none
So either it's not starting up, or I'm just an impatient SOB.
我还下载了Genymotion并通过它启动了一个模拟器,但是现在Android Studio不再能够识别该模拟器.我尝试运行我的应用程序并检查是否有任何正在运行的设备,尽管它实际上正在运行,但它没有显示.
I've also downloaded Genymotion and started up an emulator through that, but now Android Studio doesn't recognize the emulator anymore. I try to run my app and check for any running devices, but it doesn't show up, despite the fact that it actually is running.
I've added the Genymotion plug-in, to no avail. No idea what went wrong.
我还有一个One Plus One,我不确定该如何调试.他们似乎没有驱动程序,并且到目前为止还没有在Google上立即找到任何东西.
I also have a One Plus One, which I'm not sure how I can debug on that. They don't seem to have drivers for that and haven't immediatly found anything on Google so far.
Any help would be much appreciated.
我解决了我的问题.我用Genymotion解决了这个问题.运行中的模拟器没有启动,因为android SDK并未相互链接. Genymotion和Android Studio使用了不同的版本.因此,我编辑Genymotion的设置以使用相同的AS,现在它可以工作了!
I fixed my problem. I used Genymotion to fix the problem. The running emulator wasn't turning up, because the android SDK's weren't linked to one another. Genymotion and Android Studio used different ones. So I edited Genymotion's settings to use the same one of AS and now it works!
首先,更新android studio.检查仿真器是否从Android Studio外部的AVD管理器运行,我的意思是从ur SDK安装文件夹(AVD Manager.exe)手动启动仿真器.在C:> Users>用户名> .android > avd中的 .ini 文件中检查ur仿真器的路径. U可以为ur SDK文件夹"ANDROID_SDK_HOME"创建系统变量,然后将.android文件夹的内容放置在其中(整个.android文件夹).有时,在您运行模拟器后重置adb"可能会起作用.
First of all, update android studio. Check if the emulators run from the AVD manager outside Android Studio, I mean by starting it up manually from ur SDK installation folder (AVD Manager.exe) . Check the path of ur emulator in .ini file in C:>Users>user-name >.android>avd. U can make a system variable for ur SDK folder "ANDROID_SDK_HOME" and place the .android folder's content there (the whole .android folder). Sometimes "resetting the adb" after u run emulator may work.
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