本文介绍了setSelectionRange解决办法不为Android 4.0.3工作的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!
我试图掩盖的电话号码作为用户类型。我用下面jQuery和成功的解决方法的setTimeout在Android 2.x设备的JavaScript code,但我还没有找到一个解决方法的作品为Android 4.0.3。
I am trying to mask the phone number as the user types. I have used the javascript code below with jquery and the setTimeout workaround successfully on android 2.x devices, but I have not found a workaround for that works for android 4.0.3.
if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("android") >= 0) {
$.fn.usphone = function() {
this.keyup(function(e) {
// do not process del, backspace, escape, arrow left and arrow right characters
var k = e.which;
if (k == 8 || k == 46 || k == 27 || k == 37 || k == 39)
// remove invalid characters
var value = "";
for (var i = 0; i < this.value.length; i++) {
var ch = this.value[i];
if (ch >= "0" && ch <= "9")
value += ch;
// remove extra characters
if (value.length > 10)
value = value.substring(0, 10);
// insert formatting characters
if (value.length >= 3)
value = "(" + value.substring(0, 3) + ")" + value.substring(3);
if (value.length > 5)
value = value.substring(0, 5) + " " + value.substring(5);
if (value.length > 9)
value = value.substring(0, 9) + "-" + value.substring(9);
// set new value
var $this = this;
var length = value.length;
setTimeout(function() {
$this.value = value;
$this.setSelectionRange(length, length);
}, 0);
$('#contact_edit_page, #contact_new_page, #callback_create, #callback_edit, #new_phonecall_contact_page, #new_phonecall').live('pagecreate', function() {
I just met the same problem. My solution is as follows,
.input {
-webkit-user-modify: read-write;
It works in android 4.0.3 in my HTC.
这篇关于setSelectionRange解决办法不为Android 4.0.3工作的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!