

有人可以提供在Android中的WebSocket实现,的iOS(iPhone / iPad的)和Flash的例子(没有弯曲!)。

can someone please provide an example of WebSocket implementation in Android, iOS(iPhone/iPad) and Flash (not flex!).


I found some libraries but none of that work :). My browser WebSocket implementation is working great using Socket.IO, now I would like to dig also into Android, iPhone and Flash.


I tried to implement a Android webview pointing to a website where sockets are implemented, but it doesn't work. I would be great to have some native library for that.



的iOS 4.2及以上的有本地的WebSockets支持。

iOS 4.2 and above have native WebSockets support.

对于Flash的支持(或使用Flash任何浏览器),可以使用网络插座JS Android设备。 Socket.IO实际上包括网络插座JS作为可以使传输之一。

For Android devices with Flash support (or any browser with Flash) you can use web-socket-js. Socket.IO actually includes web-socket-js as one of the transports that can be enabled.

请参阅 caniuse.com 的浏览器和本地的WebSockets支持移动设备的先进的最新列表。

See caniuse.com for an up-to-date list of browsers and mobile devices with native WebSockets support.


有关原生iOS应用程序(Objective-C的),看看 UnittWebSocketClient 。警告:我期待在code和它使用的HyBi-07版本的协议,它比目前大多数浏览器所支持的Hixie-76版本更新的。但是,如果要连接到服务器支持HyBi-07或更高版本应该不成问题。

For native iOS applications (Objective-C) check out UnittWebSocketClient. One caveat: I looked in the code and it uses the HyBi-07 version of the protocol which is more recent than the Hixie-76 version currently supported by most browsers. However, if the server you are connecting to supports HyBi-07 or later it shouldn't be a problem.


09-18 01:00