I've been researching the use of dialog boxes in ASP.NET. It seems much different for Web-based applications than dialog boxes I have used in Windows applications.
I have an ASP.NET form with its own submit button and code. In that submit button's event handler, among its other code, I would like a modal dialog box to ask the user for additional information and return to executing the rest of the submit button's code. The question is how to about doing that.
JQueryUI Dialog Modal Form is an option I have looked at. I'm just wondering about how to continue executing the ASP.NET form's submit button code after the dialog box goes away. Also, I have to take into consideration the difference between server-side/client-side coding.
任何意见/建议是大大AP preciated。
Any ideas/suggestions are greatly appreciated.
请注意:我用VS2003和.Net 1.1编码本
Note: I'm coding this with VS2003 and .Net 1.1
请参阅下面链接的问题,我的回答,我用一个隐藏的 ASP:按钮
See my answer on the question linked below, I use a hidden asp:button
for the callback
<span onclick='showjQueryUIDialogOkBtnCallback("<%= btnHidden.ClientID%>","<%= yourModalDialog.ClientID%>", "OK", true, 600,600)'>show dialog</span>
<div id="yourModalDialog" runat="server">
your modal dialog div
<asp:button id="btnHidden" style="display:none" runat="server" onclick="btnHidden_Click"/>
function showjQueryUIDialogOkBtnCallback(buttonToClick, dialogSelector, buttonTxt, isModal, width, height)
var buttonOpts = {};
buttonOpts[buttonTxt] = function () {
$("#" + buttonToClick).trigger('click');
buttonOpts['Cancel'] = function () {
resizable: false,
height: height,
width: width,
modal: isModal,
open: function (type, data) {
$(this).parent().appendTo("form"); //won't postback unless within the form tag
buttons: buttonOpts