本文介绍了在 C# 代码中解析(大)XML 的最佳方法是什么?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在用 C# 编写一个 GIS 客户端工具,以从服务器检索基于 GML 的 XML 模式(下面的示例)中的特征".提取限制为 100,000 个特征.

I'm writing a GIS client tool in C# to retrieve "features" in a GML-based XML schema (sample below) from a server. Extracts are limited to 100,000 features.

我估计最大的 extract.xml 可能会达到 150 兆字节左右,所以很明显 DOM 解析器已经过时了,我一直试图在 XmlSerializerXSD.EXE 生成的绑定 --OR-- XmlReader 和一个手工制作的对象图.

I guestimate that the largest extract.xml might get up around 150 megabytes, so obviously DOM parsers are out I've been trying to decide between XmlSerializer and XSD.EXE generated bindings --OR-- XmlReader and a hand-crafted object graph.

或者也许有更好的方法我还没有考虑过?像 XLINQ,或者 ????

Or maybe there's a better way which I haven't considered yet? Like XLINQ, or ????


Please can anybody guide me? Especially with regards to the memory efficiency of any given approach. If not I'll have to "prototype" both solutions and profile them side-by-side.

我有点像 .NET 中的大虾.任何指导将不胜感激.

I'm a bit of a raw prawn in .NET. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


示例 XML - 其中最多 100,000 个,每个功能最多 234,600 个坐标.

Sample XML - upto 100,000 of them, of upto 234,600 coords per feature.

<feature featId="27168306" fType="vegetation" fTypeId="1129" fClass="vegetation" gType="Polygon" ID="0" cLockNr="51598" metadataId="51599" mdFileId="NRM/TIS/VEGETATION/9543_22_v3" dataScale="25000">
            <coordinates>153.505004,-27.42196 153.505044,-27.422015 153.503992 .... 172 coordinates omitted to save space ... 153.505004,-27.42196</coordinates>


使用 XmlReader 来解析大型 XML 文档.XmlReader 提供对 XML 数据的快速、只进、非缓存访问.(仅向前意味着您可以从头到尾读取 XML 文件,但不能在文件中向后移动.)XmlReader 使用少量内存,相当于使用简单的 SAX 阅读器.>

Use XmlReader to parse large XML documents. XmlReader provides fast, forward-only, non-cached access to XML data. (Forward-only means you can read the XML file from beginning to end but cannot move backwards in the file.) XmlReader uses small amounts of memory, and is equivalent to using a simple SAX reader.

    using (XmlReader myReader = XmlReader.Create(@"c:datacoords.xml"))
        while (myReader.Read())
           // Process each node (myReader.Value) here
           // ...

您可以使用 XmlReader 处理最大为 2 GB 的文件.

You can use XmlReader to process files that are up to 2 gigabytes (GB) in size.

参考:如何使用 Visual C# 从文件中读取 XML

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08-20 03:03