我的报告会计算我商店中的墨水库存.我在 VB.NET 中构建了一个 SQL 语句并得到了正确的结果.如何在我的 Crystal Report 中显示这些结果?或者设计一个报告以检索相同的结果?
My report calculates the stock of inks in my stores. I built a SQL statement in VB.NET and got the correct results. How can I display these results in my Crystal Report? Or design a report such that same results will be retrieved?
我尝试使用 SQL 表达式生成器但失败了.
I tried to use SQL Expression builder but failed.
通常您会使用 Database Expert 将数据表链接到您的报告.在 Database Expert 中执行相同操作,选择 Database,您可以看到 Add Command.选择它并单击 > 按钮.你会得到一个窗口,在那里写下你的 SQL 查询然后按 OK.
Usually you will link Data Tables to your report using Database Expert. Do the same in Database Expert, select the Database and you can see Add Command. Select that and click the > button. You will get a Window, write your SQL Query there and press OK.
完成此操作后,您可以在数据库字段中看到 Command,其中包含从 SQL 查询中获取的所有记录作为结果.
After finishing this you can see Command in Database Fields which contains all your records got from the SQL Query as result.