我发现了一些关于在 WPF4 中设置 CaretBrushes 的内容,但有没有人真正改变过插入符号本身?
I've found a few things on setting CaretBrushes in WPF4, but has anybody actually ever changed the caret itself?
我想做的是在 INSERT 模式下使用 OVERWRITE 插入符号.我见过来自 .Net 3.5 的 hack次,但它性能不佳并且缺乏实际的光标移动...
What I'd like to do is use the OVERWRITE caret in INSERT mode. I've seen a hack from .Net 3.5 times, but it is unperformant and lacks behind actual cursor movement...
如果 Caret 有一个模板那就太好了 - 这将与整个 WPF 想法一致...
It would be great if the Caret had a Template - That would be consistent with the whole WPF idea...
CaretElement 是一个内部密封类,无法通过例如数据模板进行自定义.至少,插入符号是可以改变的.
The CaretElement is an internal sealed class and not possible to customize through a data template for example. At least, the caret brush is possible to change.
<TextBox Text="This is some random text" CaretBrush="Blue" />
If you want to have a linear gradient on the caret brush, this can be done.
<TextBox Text="This is some random text" FontSize="20">
<LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="0,0" EndPoint="1,1">
<GradientStop Color="Blue" Offset="0" />
<GradientStop Color="Red" Offset="1" />
我也尝试使用 Visual Brush,但插入符号总是显示为一条小的垂直线.
I tried using a Visual Brush also, but the caret is always being shown as a small vertical line.