我是Unity新手.我想使用最新版本的.Net.好像.Net版本只是最近才升级到.Net 4.6,如此博客文章中所述: https://forum.unity3d.com/threads/upgraded-mono-net-in-editor-on-5-5-0b4. 433541/.我在博客文章中描述的API兼容性级别设置中看不到.Net 4.6.我已经尝试过使用Unity 5.5.2f1和Unity 5.6.0b9进行此操作.我可能会缺少什么?
I am new to Unity. I want to use the latest version of .Net. It seems as though the .Net version has only very recently been upgraded to .Net 4.6 as described in this blog post: https://forum.unity3d.com/threads/upgraded-mono-net-in-editor-on-5-5-0b4.433541/. I do not see .Net 4.6 in the API compatibility level setting described in the blog post. I have tried this with Unity 5.5.2f1 and Unity 5.6.0b9. What might I be missing?
You can't with the official Unity version.
That is a special version of Unity that is only used for experimental purposes. That is not meant to be used to ship your finished game.
.net 4.6尚未正式支持.它已经进行了研究,并有望在今年年底得到支持.
.Net 4.6 is not officially supported yet. It's been worked on and will likely be supported by the end of this year.
您可以从此链接.它可以让您在编辑器上使用 .Net 4.6 .由于其他平台的运行时间尚未结束,因此无法在构建中使用.
You can use the unofficial/experimental version 5.6.0b5 from this link. It will let you use .Net 4.6 on the Editor. It will not work on builds because the run-time for other platforms are not yet finished.
如果下载此文件,则是在帮助Unity改进其 .Net 4.6 .不要下载它,因为您要使用 .Net 4.6中的API发布游戏.
If you download this, you are helping Unity improve their .Net 4.6. Don't download it because you want to release your game with APIs' from .Net 4.6.
For the latest experimental release, Windows, OSX, Linux standaloneiOS with IL2CPP Android with IL2CPP and Mono are now supported.
Although, there are still bugs to fix, and many platforms are not yet supported. That's why you should not release your game with this.
编辑2 :
Unity 2017.1.0b1 现在已发布,并且支持 .NET 4.6 .它仍处于beta模式.
Unity 2017.1.0b1 is now released and it supports .NET 4.6. It is still in beta mode.
转到编辑-> 项目设置-> 播放器-> 其他设置- > 配置-> 脚本运行时版本-> .NET 4.6等效
Go to Edit --> Project Settings --> Player --> Other Settings --> Configuration --> Scripting Runtime Version --> .NET 4.6 Equivalent
转到编辑-> 项目设置-> 播放器-> 其他设置- > 配置-> Api兼容级别-> .NET 4.6
Go to Edit --> Project Settings --> Player --> Other Settings --> Configuration --> Api Compatibility Level --> .NET 4.6
这篇关于为什么看不到API兼容级别的.Net 4.6选项?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!