

我迁移是用于解码从.NET框架1.1 .NET Framework 4的一种方法。我注意到,执行随机改变。因此,给予相同的种子, Random.NextBytes 返回不同的结果。

I am migrating a method that is used for decoding from .NET Framework 1.1 to .NET Framework 4.I noticed that implementation of Random changed. So given the same seed, Random.NextBytes returns different result.


So if I run the following code.

byte[] bytes = new byte[4];
System.Random random = new System.Random(50);

for(int i=0; i< bytes.Length; i++)
  Console.WriteLine("bytes[" + i + "] = " + bytes[i]);

在.NET Framework 1.1的返回:

Under .NET Framework 1.1 it returns:

bytes[0] = 216
bytes[1] = 124
bytes[2] = 183
bytes[3] =  58

在.NET Framework 4的返回:

Under .NET framework 4 it returns:

bytes[0] = 154
bytes[1] =  49
bytes[2] = 183
bytes[3] =  48


What is the best way to resolve this problem?


您可以只使用反射来从1.1 mscorlib程序复制Random类。

You can just use Reflector to copy the Random class from the 1.1 mscorlib.

public class Random1_1
    // Fields
    private int inext;
    private int inextp;
    private const int MBIG = 0x7fffffff;
    private const int MSEED = 0x9a4ec86;
    private const int MZ = 0x0;
    private int[] SeedArray;

    // Methods
    public Random1_1()
        : this(Environment.TickCount)

    public Random1_1(int Seed)
        this.SeedArray = new int[0x38];
        int num2 = 0x9a4ec86 - Math.Abs(Seed);
        this.SeedArray[0x37] = num2;
        int num3 = 0x1;
        for (int i = 0x1; i < 0x37; i++)
            int index = (0x15 * i) % 0x37;
            this.SeedArray[index] = num3;
            num3 = num2 - num3;
            if (num3 < 0x0)
                num3 += 0x7fffffff;
            num2 = this.SeedArray[index];
        for (int j = 0x1; j < 0x5; j++)
            for (int k = 0x1; k < 0x38; k++)
                this.SeedArray[k] -= this.SeedArray[0x1 + ((k + 0x1e) % 0x37)];
                if (this.SeedArray[k] < 0x0)
                    this.SeedArray[k] += 0x7fffffff;
        this.inext = 0x0;
        this.inextp = 0x15;
        Seed = 0x1;

    public virtual int Next()
        return (int)(this.Sample() * 2147483647.0);

    public virtual int Next(int maxValue)
        if (maxValue < 0x0)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("maxValue");
        return (int)(this.Sample() * maxValue);

    public virtual int Next(int minValue, int maxValue)
        if (minValue > maxValue)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("minValue");
        int num = maxValue - minValue;
        if (num < 0x0)
            long num2 = maxValue - minValue;
            return (((int)((long)(this.Sample() * num2))) + minValue);
        return (((int)(this.Sample() * num)) + minValue);

    public virtual void NextBytes(byte[] buffer)
        if (buffer == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("buffer");
        for (int i = 0x0; i < buffer.Length; i++)
            buffer[i] = (byte)(this.Sample() * 256.0);

    public virtual double NextDouble()
        return this.Sample();

    protected virtual double Sample()
        int inext = this.inext;
        int inextp = this.inextp;
        if (++inext >= 0x38)
            inext = 0x1;
        if (++inextp >= 0x38)
            inextp = 0x1;
        int num = this.SeedArray[inext] - this.SeedArray[inextp];
        if (num < 0x0)
            num += 0x7fffffff;
        this.SeedArray[inext] = num;
        this.inext = inext;
        this.inextp = inextp;
        return (num * 4.6566128752457969E-10);


Tested and it gives the desired output.


05-28 16:53