Windows 7 Professional SP1
Windows 7 Professional SP1
.NET Framework 4.5.1
.NET Framework 4.5.1
已安装Visual Studio Express(桌面)-安装包括以下其他.NET组件
Visual Studio Express (Desktop) is installed - installation includes the following additional .NET components
- .NET Framework 4.5多目标包,
- .NET Framework 4.5SDK,
- .NET Framework 4.5.1多目标包,
- .NET Framework 4.5.1多目标包(ENU),
- .NET Framework 4.5.1 SDK
在特定的PC上会出现此问题. 在其他PC上,剪切和粘贴可以按预期进行. 其他PC未安装Visual Studio.
The problem occurs on a particular PC. On other PCs cut and paste works as expected. The other PCs do not have Visual Studio installed.
在出现故障的PC上,在本地开发的C#应用程序中,以及在Microsoft认证的第三方第三方商业可用.NET C#IIS桌面客户端应用程序中:
On the failing PC, in locally developed C# applications and also in a Microsoft-certified 3rd-party commercially available .NET C# IIS desktop client application:
在文本框控件中,复制到剪贴板"(使用Control-c或单击鼠标右键并从菜单中选择复制")是有效的. 复制的文本可以成功粘贴到MS-Word文档,Excel电子表格等中.
In text box controls, COPY to clipboard (use control-c or right click and select COPY from menu) works. Copied text can be successfully pasted into MS-Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and so on.
However, pasting into a text box fails (control-v or right click select PASTE) - nothing happens - in the locally developed and 3rd-party .NET applications.
在Visual Studio中,在调试应用程序时可以将其粘贴到文本字段中,但是在未调试的情况下启动应用程序时,粘贴将失败.
1) The build and deploy computers must have the exact same version of Net library including all updates.
2) You need to publish the application and then run the setup.exe folder on the deploy computer that is generated when you publish.