So I searched for a guide of how to shell integrate your application (add it to the right click menu) with C#, but I couldn't find how to do that only for a specific file type. I know it is possible because WinRar does that. So how can I do that?
There are usually two-ish ways you can implement this.
注册表键 - 你可以写HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT下的键和值。如果你看一下那个蜂巢你会看到电脑的扩展。看的细节这对键和值。一些简单的像一个选项,您的应用程序可以在这儿开
Registry Keys - You can write keys and values under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. If you look at that hive you'll see the extensions on your pc. Look at this article for the details about the keys and values. Something simple like an option to open
types with your application is possible here. Here is a File Association Example
Shell Extensions (Written in COM) : Here you can do more complicated stuff like Handlers. They will get called by Windows so you can do things like paint on menus, or add custom actions when a file is right-clicked. There is more to it here than files, you can even add property sheets and custom tooltips.
您会发现一些关于不使用.NET编写外壳处理**。这仅适用于老年 .NET版本。
You will find some talk about not using .NET to write a Shell Handler**. This applies only to older versions of .NET. Its all ok with .NET4.
This article should help you with a Context Menu Handler in .NET4
** Why was it not recommend:
当你写一个shell处理程序,它就会由主机进程(通常是Windows资源管理器)呼吁,但还搞什么FileOpenDialogs和FolderBrowser对话框。所以,如果你在.NET 2.0写了一个外壳扩展,以及.NET 1.1的应用程序称为打开文件对话框,然后你的.NET 2.0的外壳处理程序将被调用到你的.NET 1.1应用程序,它有一个更老CLR会出现问题而且会有版本冲突。
When you write a shell handler, it gets called by the host process (typically windows explorer), but also things like FileOpenDialogs and FolderBrowser dialogs. So a problem would occur if you wrote a shell extension in .NET 2.0, and a .NET 1.1 app called a File Open Dialog and then your .NET 2.0 shell handler would be called into and your .NET 1.1 app which has an older CLR and there would be version conflict.
所以,我很高兴地发现了这终于已经在.NET 4莫名其妙定=)
So I'm pleased to have found out finally this has been fixed somehow in .NET 4 =)