本文介绍了Visual Basic中的Modbus RTU(vb.net)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!
我正试图创建一个Modbus RTU主程序...我发现了很多代码,但是使用C#.当我尝试在Visual Basic(vb.net 2010)中进行转换时,它不起作用... PLC无法应答.
我认为serialport.write(< byte> ;,< int> ;,< int>)函数存在问题.有人可以帮助我吗?
公共 功能 SendFc3( ByVal 地址 As 字节, ByVal 开始 As UShort , ByVal 注册 As UShort , ByRef 值 As 简短()) Dim 标志 As 布尔值 = 错误 ' 确保端口已打开: 如果(Sp.IsOpen)然后 ' 清除输入/输出缓冲区: Sp.DiscardOutBuffer() Sp.DiscardInBuffer() ' 功能3请求始终为8个字节: Dim 消息 As Byte ()= 新建 字节( 7 ){} ' 功能3响应缓冲区: Dim 响应 As Byte ()= 新建 字节((< 5 + 2 *寄存器)- 1 ){} ' 构建传出的Modbus消息 BuildMessage(地址, CByte ( 3 ),开始,寄存器,消息) ' 将Modbus消息发送到串行端口: 尝试 sp.Write(message, 0 ,message.Length) ' 评估消息: 如果(GetResponse(响应,sp,值))然后 标志= 正确 结束 如果 捕获错误 As 异常 modbusStatus = " 读取事件出错:" + err.Message 标志= 错误 结束 尝试 其他 modbusStatus = " 串行端口未打开" 标志= 错误 结束 如果 返回标志 结束 功能
公共 Sub BuildMessage( ByVal 地址 As 字节, ByVal 类型 As 字节, ByVal 开始 As UShort , ByVal 注册 As UShort , ByRef 消息 As 字节()) ' 接收CRC字节的数组: Dim CRC As Byte ()= 新建 字节( 2 ){} message( 0 )= 字节 .Parse(地址) message( 1 )= 字节 .Parse(类型) message( 2 )= 字节.Parse(开始>> 8 ) message( 3 )= 字节 .Parse(开始) message( 4 )= 字节.Parse(注册>> 8 ) message( 5 )= 字节 .Parse(寄存器) GetCRC(消息,CRC) message(message.Length- 2 )= 字节 .Parse( 84 )' CRC(0) message(message.Length- 1 )= 字节 .Parse( 10 )' CRC(1) 结束 子
公共 功能 GetResponse( ByRef 响应 As 字节(), ByRef spModbus As SerialPort, ByRef 值 As 简短()) Dim i As 整数 = 0 ' Thread.Sleep(300) 同时(spModbus.BytesToRead<> 0 ) response(i)= 字节 .Parse(spModbus.ReadByte()) ' Thread.Sleep(200) 我+ = 1 ' Application.DoEvents() 结束 同时 ' 验证消息 如果(CheckResponse(response))然后 ' Ritorno il valore dei registri richiesti 对于 i = 0 要((响应.Length- 5 )/ 2 )- 1 跨度> response(i)= response( 2 * i + 3 ) 响应(i)<< = 8 响应(i)+ =响应( 2 * i + 4 ) 值(i)=响应( 2 * i + 3 ) values(i)<< = 8 值(i)+ =响应( 2 * i + 4 ) 下一步 返回 真实 其他 返回 错误 结束 如果 结束 功能
Hi all,
i''m tring to create a modbus rtu master program... i found a lot of code but in C#. when i try to convert it in visual basic (vb.net 2010) it doesn''t work... the PLC doesn''t answer.
i think that there is a problem with the serialport.write(<byte>, <int>, <int>) function. someone can help me?
follow the code
Public Function SendFc3(ByVal address As Byte, ByVal start As UShort, ByVal registers As UShort, ByRef values As Short()) Dim flag As Boolean = False 'Ensure port is open: If (Sp.IsOpen) Then 'Clear in/out buffers: Sp.DiscardOutBuffer() Sp.DiscardInBuffer() 'Function 3 request is always 8 bytes: Dim message As Byte() = New Byte(7) {} 'Function 3 response buffer: Dim response As Byte() = New Byte((5 + 2 * registers) - 1) {} 'Build outgoing modbus message BuildMessage(address, CByte(3), start, registers, message) 'Send modbus message to Serial Port: Try sp.Write(message, 0, message.Length) 'Evaluate message: If (GetResponse(response, sp, values)) Then flag = True End If Catch err As Exception modbusStatus = "Error in read event: " + err.Message flag = False End Try Else modbusStatus = "Serial port not open" flag = False End If Return flag End Function
Public Sub BuildMessage(ByVal address As Byte, ByVal type As Byte, ByVal start As UShort, ByVal registers As UShort, ByRef message As Byte()) 'Array to receive CRC bytes: Dim CRC As Byte() = New Byte(2) {} message(0) = Byte.Parse(address) message(1) = Byte.Parse(type) message(2) = Byte.Parse(start >> 8) message(3) = Byte.Parse(start) message(4) = Byte.Parse(registers >> 8) message(5) = Byte.Parse(registers) GetCRC(message, CRC) message(message.Length - 2) = Byte.Parse(84) 'CRC(0) message(message.Length - 1) = Byte.Parse(10) 'CRC(1) End Sub
Public Function GetResponse(ByRef response As Byte(), ByRef spModbus As SerialPort, ByRef values As Short()) Dim i As Integer = 0 'Thread.Sleep(300) While (spModbus.BytesToRead <> 0) response(i) = Byte.Parse(spModbus.ReadByte()) 'Thread.Sleep(200) i += 1 'Application.DoEvents() End While 'Verifico il messaggio If (CheckResponse(response)) Then 'Ritorno il valore dei registri richiesti For i = 0 To ((response.Length - 5) / 2) - 1 response(i) = response(2 * i + 3) response(i) <<= 8 response(i) += response(2 * i + 4) values(i) = response(2 * i + 3) values(i) <<= 8 values(i) += response(2 * i + 4) Next Return True Else Return False End If End Function
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