本文介绍了图书推荐请求的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 我之前问过这个,虽然几个月前,我想确定 这个建议没有改变。 我''正在开发Web应用程序的ma开发人员,但我的大部分工作都是在系统的最低端,在业务对象之下,提供了 核心功能。我读过Advanced .NET Remoting,C#和.Net 框架,性能调优和优化ASP.NET应用程序。我有一个强大的C和C ++背景(以及Java,Pascal, 等),所以我不需要初学者书。 我想我需要一本书来跟我谈谈C#的库的核心,以及它提供的基本功能得到各种各样的 有效地完成工作。 当我上次问这个问题时,我被告知杰弗里里希特的应用 Microsoft .NET Framework编程将是一个不错的选择。那还是 a不错的选择吗? - Reginald Blue "我有我一直希望我的电脑和我的电话一样容易使用。我的愿望成真了。我不再知道如何使用我的 电话。 - Bjarne Stroustrup(C ++的创始人)[引自2003 International 智能用户界面会议] I asked this before, although several months ago, and I want to make surethe recommendation hasn''t changed. I''m a developer who is working on a Web application, but most of my work isat the very low end of the system, below the business objects, providingcore functionality. I''ve read Advanced .NET Remoting, C# and the .Netframework, Performance Tuning and Optimizing ASP.NET Applications. I have astrong background in C and C++ (as well as a smattering in Java, Pascal,etc.) so I don''t need a beginners book. I think I need a book which will talk to me about the core of C#''slibraries, and what kind of basic functionality it offers to get variouswork done efficiently. When I last asked this question, I was told that Jeffrey Richter''s AppliedMicrosoft .NET Framework Programming would be a good choice. Is that stilla good choice? --Reginald Blue"I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as mytelephone. My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use mytelephone."- Bjarne Stroustrup (originator of C++) [quoted at the 2003 InternationalConference on Intelligent User Interfaces]推荐答案 我的重复是: 1.如果一个人没有任何想法,那么c#是关于c# 的任何轻量级书籍只是为了理解这些例子是必要的。 /> 2. Jeffrey Richter的Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming并且 Charles Petzold的使用c#编程Windows 3. Don Box'的Essential .NET。正如Don Box在开始时所说的那样,杰弗里·里希特(Jeffrey Richter)或同等书中的应该在他的书之前阅读。 4.即使它没有转向.NET Jeffrey里希特的高级Windows(第3版/ b $ b Ed)将会非常有用。只要当前平台是win2k或 winXP,了解Windows进程,线程, 消息将是真正的帮助。对于Web应用程序,我没有必要相信。 我相信这些都是一个好的开始。 HTH B $ \\ rgds My recomentation is:1. If one don''t have any ideia what c# is any lightweight book about c#just to understand the examples is necessary.2. Jeffrey Richter''s "Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming" andCharles Petzold''s "Programming Windows with c#"3. Don Box''s "Essential .NET". As Don Box says himself at the beginningof the book Jeffrey Richter or alike should be read prior to his book.4. Even it is not releared to .NET Jeffrey Richter''s Advanced Windows (3rdEd) would be of verry big help. Understanding of windows processes, threads,messages would be of real help as long as the current platform is win2k orwinXP. For Web application it is not necessary I believe. I believe these are good start. HTHB\rgds100 绝对。恕我直言.NET必读。 干杯, - Joerg Jooss jo ********* @ gmx.net 这篇关于图书推荐请求的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
09-17 05:59