我们必须从 Windows 服务运行一个进程并从中获取屏幕截图.
We have to run a process from a windows service and get a screenshot from it.
我们尝试了 BitBlt 和 PrintWindow Win32 调用,但都给出了空白(黑色)位图.
We tried the BitBlt and PrintWindow Win32 calls, but both give blank (black) bitmaps.
If we run our code from a normal user process, it works just fine.
Is this something that is even possible? Or could there be another method to try?
- Windows 服务作为本地系统运行,进程作为本地系统运行 -> 截图失败
- 以管理员身份运行的 Windows 服务,以管理员身份运行进程 -> 截图失败.
- 以 XYZ 用户身份运行的 Windows 应用程序,以 XYZ 身份运行进程 -> 屏幕截图适用于 BitBlt 或 PrintWindow.
- 尝试从本地系统选中允许服务与桌面交互"
我们还注意到 PrintWindow 更适合我们的情况,如果窗口在另一个窗口后面,它也能工作.
We also noticed that PrintWindow works better for our case, it works if the window is behind another window.
For other requirements, both the parent and child processes must be under the same user. We can't really use impersonation from one process to another.
我们不得不改变我们的应用程序不是从服务启动的场景,而是一个标准的 Windows 程序,在角落里有一个 NotifyIcon.
We had to change our scenario where our application wasn't started from a service, but was a standard windows program that has a NotifyIcon in the corner.
If someone still finds a real answer, let me know.