


要做的是使用HTML5属性 placeholder ,它可以让您为输入框设置默认值:

< input type =textname =inputBoxplaceholder =在此输入您的文字>

应该达到你想要的。但是,请小心,因为Internet Explorer 9和更早版本不支持占位符属性。

I can easily create a html input field that has text already in it. But when the user clicks on the input field the text doesn't disappears but stays there. The user then has to manually remove the text to type. How can I create an input field where when the user clicks on the input field box the text then disappear?


What you want to do is use the HTML5 attribute placeholder which lets you set a default value for your input box:

<input type="text" name="inputBox" placeholder="enter your text here">

This should achieve what you're looking for. However, be careful because the placeholder attribute is not supported in Internet Explorer 9 and earlier versions.


08-26 18:47