本文介绍了在Maven / Intellij Idea项目中排除日志文件夹的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个'logs'目录与我的项目和Intellij Idea处于同一级别,我可以从Idea打开这些日志。这个目录中的文件是几个演出,所以当我尝试在项目中搜索字符串时,它会导致一分钟左右的搜索,而我希望它是即时的。所以我在Idea中将其标记为排除。

I have a 'logs' directory on the same level as my project is and Intellij Idea, and I can open these logs from Idea. Files in this directory are a couple of gigs, so when I try to search a string in a project it results into a minute or so search, whereas I expect it to be instant. So I mark it as 'Excluded' in Idea.


The problem is that every time there is a change to pom and project is reloaded, I need to mark this dir as 'Excluded' again. So it's becoming a bit annoying because sometimes I forget to do this.


There is a similar question: Exclude folder in intellij idea using Maven. However I'm not using this plugin, because it would be easier for me to always mark this folder as Excluded in Idea on every pom change.


转到设置/文件类型,在底部你会看到忽略文件&文件夹字段。使用; 作为分隔符,并编写要从 idea 处理中省略的文件和文件夹。但这样做会导致您无法使用 idea 编辑或查看此文件/文件夹。

Go to Settings/File Types and in the bottom you will see ignore files & folders field. Use ; as delimiter and write files and folders you want to omit from idea processing. But doing so you will lose ability to edit or see this files/folders using idea.

这篇关于在Maven / Intellij Idea项目中排除日志文件夹的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-22 07:31