The problem I am facing is that using Appium I am not able to access the elements from these webview using any of the findElementsBy
method. The class name being only parameter visible to the UIAutomator on which we could really rely on is changed by React on every new build generated.
The chrome inspect provides the details of the webview in my application as :
<div class="_32f8NoUfyUtNSxo3w4Ptbp" data-reactid=".0.1.$=13:0.0.0">…</div>
Info : WebView.setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled(true)
is set in the app code.
Would appreciate any leads here as well.
Based on this link : https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/7135
The workaround for this problem : use both accessible and accessibleLabel on your views
DOC on accessiblity label: https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/accessibility.html#accessibilitylabel-ios-android
On my react native component :
<TextInput accessible={true} accessibilityLabel={'Tap Me'}></TextInput>
On my script Test :
mobileElement = find_Element(accessibilty_id, "Tap Me")
mobileElement.send_keys "hello world"