




I have recently joined as a Junior Developer at a mid sized startup (IT Services company). It's been my 4th day and still no work has been assigned, nor any IDE or tools have been installed on my system inspite of raising ticket and telling about it yo the Team Lead. They have just told me to read about so and so technology from the Net. I am really bored and starting to question my decision to join this firm. I understand juniors take time and all, but there should atleast be some sort of effort and willingness from their end. As a entry level candidate, I prioritise learning and knowledge growth above all.

What I have tried:

Ticket raise via System, Asking Team Lead, Reading Theory and Understanding Projects




I prioritise learning and knowledge growth above all.

这样做:学习。他们告诉你要读 - 所以开始吧。找出您需要安装哪些工具才能真正开始学习项目,制作一个列表并请求获得自己安装的权限,这样您就可以练习到目前为止所学到的知识。你去过那里不到一个星期,你认为你已经学到了新东西,你不需要再做了吗?我打赌不是......


So do that: learn. They have told you to read up - so get started. Find out what tools you would need to install to actually get started learning the project, make a list and ask for permission to install them yourself so you can practice what you have learned so far. You've been there less than a week and you think you have learned the new stuff so well you don't need to do it any more? I'm betting not...

Just whining about it on a random website is not exactly a good look!


08-26 08:23