当我尝试使用pandas数据框的.ix属性提取列时,出现上述错误,例如df.ix [:,'col_header'].脚本从今天早上开始运行,但是今天下午我在带有新安装的Pandas的新Linux环境中运行了该脚本.其他人以前见过这个错误吗?我在这里和其他地方搜索过,但找不到.
I am getting the above error when I try to use the .ix attribute of a pandas dataframe to pull out a column, e.g. df.ix[:, 'col_header']. The script worked as of this morning, but this afternoon I ran it in a new linux environment with a fresh install of Pandas. Has anybody else seen this error before? I've searched here and elsewhere but can't find it.
今天(2020年1月30日)进行全新安装将安装pd.__version__ == '1.0.0'
A fresh install today (Jan 30, 2020) would install pd.__version__ == '1.0.0'
. With that comes a removal of many deprecated features.