本文介绍了我可以在 Mac 上用 C# 编程吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想为 Unity 学习 C#,我的个人电脑是 MacBook Air.我可以在 Mac 上用 C# 编程吗?

I want to learn C# for Unity and my personal computer is a MacBook Air. Can I program in C# on a Mac?


您的第一个选择是 Microsoft Visual Studio for Mac 于 2017 年发布.如果您习惯使用 VS ide,那么我建议您下载它.

Your first option is Microsoft Visual Studio for Mac which was released in 2017. If you're used to VS ide then I suggested you download this.

如果没有,那么您可以查看 MonoDevelop.您可以从这里

If not then you can have a look into MonoDevelop. You can download from here

MRE = Mono 运行时环境

MRE = Mono Runtime Environment

MDK = Mono 开发工具包.

MDK = Mono Development Kit.

MDK = MRE + 额外工具、库、.NET PCL(可移植类库)配置文件等

MDK = MRE + Extra tools, libraries, .NET PCL (Portable Class Library) profiles, etc.

如果您要运行需要 Mono 的应用程序,您可以只安装 MRE.

If you have an application that you want to run that needs Mono you can install just the MRE.

如果您正在开发、编写 C# 应用程序,虽然有时只需安装 MRE 就可以逃脱,但您可能会遇到一些缺失的功能,例如没有 .NET PCL 配置文件.所以如果你在做开发,我会安装 MDK.参考

If you are doing development, writing C# applications, whilst you can sometimes get away with just having the MRE installed, you may hit some missing features such as not having the .NET PCL profiles. So I would install the MDK if you are doing development. Reference

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08-19 17:24