

  1. 我可以向我的客户发送可以在模拟器中运行的iOS应用程序的Beta版本吗?

  1. Can I send to my customer a beta version of my iOS app that he can run in the Simulator ?


Can I install Simulator only (without Xcode) on a Mac ?


I actually need an efficient methodology to send him the beta versions of the app, without having to meet him at each update.


Also, (3.) is there a way to install a beta version of the app, I developed in my xCode on its iOS device without app store ?



  1. 不,我不相信你可以.

  1. No, I do not believe you can.


No, I don't think so. If you could, however, you'd also have to put all your source code on that machine and build your app there, just to run it in the simulator.

是的,它称为临时构建.您可以通过Apple开发人员门户上的供应门户创建特殊的供应配置文件.然后,您使用该配置文件(实际上是构建和存档")对构建进行签名.然后,您可以通过Xcode Organizer通过电子邮件与客户共享构建内容.组织者将创建一个.ipa文件,并将其与配置文件一起包含到电子邮件中,然后您可以撰写和发送该电子邮件.

Yes, it's called an Ad Hoc build. You create a special provisioning profile through the provisioning portal on Apple's Developer portal. You then sign the build with that provisioning profile (actually, "Build and Archive"). Then you can, through the Xcode Organizer, share that build via e-mail with your customer. The Organizer creates an .ipa file and includes it along with the provisioning profile into an e-mail message which you can then compose and send.

Ad hoc设置概要文件当然需要包括他们要在其上进行测试的客户设备的UDID.这是将所有内容联系在一起的缺失部分:UDID,Ad Hoc配置文件,使用该配置文件签名的应用程序,然后将其通过电子邮件发送给客户,他们可以通过iTunes安装两个文件(ipa和配置文件).

The Ad Hoc provisioning profile will, of course, need to include the UDID's of your customer's device(s) on which they would like to test. That is the missing piece here that ties it all together: UDIDs, Ad Hoc profile, signed app with that profile, e-mail it to the customer and they can install both files (ipa and profile) via iTunes.


Lots of documentation on this, right in the Developer portal.


08-19 01:22