如何在Mac上运行VS2010中开发的NUnit测试?这似乎是一个非常简单且幼稚的问题,但我一直在努力寻找所有步骤.我已经通过搜索网络以查找确切步骤进行了尽职调查.我的Mac上装有Mono,但没有monodevelop.在没有Mono开发的情况下如何在Mac上安装NUnit?我是否需要将所有与NUnit相关的dll手动添加到Mono GAC之类?
How do I run NUnit tests developed within VS2010 on a Mac? This seems like a very simple and naive question but I have been struggling to find all the steps. I have done my due diligence by scouring the web to find the exact steps. I have Mono on my Mac, but not monodevelop. How can i install NUnit on a Mac without mono develop? Do I need to add all the NUnit related dlls manually to Mono GAC or something?
No need to have monodevelop. After getting nunit you can just call it via (for instance)
mono nunit-console.exe your.dll
You can also do this using only binaries downloaded from nunit site, just be in the nunit's directory.
如果没有适用于OS X的软件包,则可以通过使脚本调用nunit(这是在Linux上安装标准nunit的方式)并将其放在搜索路径中来进行安装.只要它们与exe一样,都无需向GAC添加程序集.
If there is no package for OS X, you can install it by making script invoking nunit (this is how standard nunit install on Linux works) and putting it in your search path. Adding assemblies to GAC is not necessary as long as they are with exe's.
For example this is nunit-console script on Ubuntu (which can be usually found in /usr/bin
exec /usr/bin/mono --debug $MONO_OPTIONS /usr/lib/mono/2.0/nunit-console.exe "$@"
Of course you should replace /usr/lib/mono/2.0/
with directory which contains nunit.