我很困惑于RVM网站给出的解释。不同的ruby解释器和gemsets之间的关系我不清楚。根据我的说法,这是这样的 -- 我的Mac中的帐户有一个rvm
- 该rvm安装并管理不同版本的ruby解释器。 每个ruby版本都有一组gemset。
我是否清楚明白...欢迎任何更多的解释。我有能力开发(Ruby 1.8.7 + rails 2.3.8及其依赖项)和(Ruby 1.9.2和Rails 3.0及其依赖项)...
- 使用RVM安装ruby 使用RVM安装ruby
- 切换到/使用那个ruby
- 为项目创建一个gemset
- 切换到/使用那个gemset >
- 安装所需的宝石
- 创建一个别名,指向我选择的ruby& gemset
- 切换到/使用该新别名(再次与项目关联)
$ rvm install ruby-1.9.2
$ rvm list
rvm rubies
=> ree-1.8.7-head [i386]
ruby-1.9.2-head [i386]
ruby-1.9.2-preview3 [i386]
$ rvm use ruby -1.9.2-preview3
info:使用ruby 1.9.2 preview3
$ rvm gemset create my_project
rvm gemset使用my_project
$ gem install httparty
$ rvm别名create my_project ruby-1.9.2-preview3@my_project
$ rvm使用my_project
info:使用ruby 1.9.2 preview3和gemset my_project
$ ....
I am really confused by the explanations given in RVM website. The relation between different ruby interpretors and gemsets are not clear to me. According to me, it is like this -
- My Account in my Mac have one rvm
- That rvm installs and manages set of different versions of ruby interpretors.
- each ruby version has set of gemsets.
Am i getting things clear... Any more amount of explanations are welcome. I am in a position to work on (Ruby 1.8.7 + rails 2.3.8 and its dependencies) and (Ruby 1.9.2 and Rails 3.0 and its dependencies)...
If any one is well versed with handling many ruby versions and gemsets with the help of rvm, please explain to me... thanks for the help
Here is how I like to do it...
- Install a ruby with RVM
- Switch to/use that ruby
- Create a gemset for a project
- Switch to/use that gemset
- Install gems needed
- create an alias that points to my chosen ruby & gemset
- switch to/use that new alias (again, associated w/ a project)
Do this as many times necessary for your different projects that you want to keep separate from eachother.
$ rvm install ruby-1.9.2
$ rvm list
rvm rubies
=> ree-1.8.7-head [ i386 ]
ruby-1.9.2-head [ i386 ]
ruby-1.9.2-preview3 [ i386 ]
$ rvm use ruby-1.9.2-preview3
info: Using ruby 1.9.2 preview3
$ rvm gemset create my_project
info: Gemset 'my_project' created.
rvm gemset use my_project
info: Now using gemset 'my_project'
$ gem install httparty
When you HTTParty, you must party hard!
Successfully installed crack-0.1.8
Successfully installed httparty-0.6.1
2 gems installed
$ rvm alias create my_project ruby-1.9.2-preview3@my_project
info: Creating alias my_project for ruby-1.9.2-preview3@my_project.
info: Recording alias my_project for ruby-1.9.2-preview3@my_project.
$ rvm use my_project
info: Using ruby 1.9.2 preview3 with gemset my_project
$ ....
Now I have an entire environment dedicated to a particular project. This is great because I can experiment with all sorts of different gems/versions without worrying about stomping all over other projects that have very specific requirements.
Good luck!