


I'm trying to cross-compile some applications for an alternative architecture.


  1. 下载源代码并将其解压缩到/ var / source

  2. 。/configure --prefix = / var / install CC = [my-cross-编译器gcc]

  3. make

  4. 进行安装

  1. Download and untar source into /var/source
  2. ./configure --prefix=/var/install CC=[my-cross-compiler-gcc]
  3. make
  4. make install

这可以按预期工作:我的应用程序安装在/ var / install中。

This works as expected: My application is installed into /var/install.

但是,当我将此应用程序部署到替代体系结构时,我并不需要它部署在/ var / install中。我只是希望将其正常安装在/中。

However, when I deploy this application onto my alternative architecture, I don't want it deployed in /var/install. I just want it installed in / as normal.

我可以将其复制到/中,但是应用程序本身仍在尝试在/ var / install中查找各种默认设置。

I can copy it into /, however the application itself is still trying to look inside /var/install for various default settings.


I want to compile and install the software on my x86 system, but when I deploy it on the alternative architecture, I want it to be as if I had installed it into /, not in /var/install.


Is there a way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?


如果我理解正确,则x86系统上的 / var / install 将是 / 替代架构。

If I understand correctly, /var/install on your x86 system will be / on your alternative architecture.To solve your issue, you need to modify the following step:

  • 配置肯定会在文件中做一些修改,因此您需要指定最终位置

  • configure will certainly do some sed in file, so you need to specify the final place

。/configure --prefix = / CC = [my-cross-compiler-gcc]


makefile generated by automake have support of variable DESTDIR which is prepended to the installation path:

make DESTDIR = / var / install install


10-25 04:27