本文介绍了WSO2 ESB 发送到多个端点的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


是否可以从代理服务中的 send 中介中将消息发送到多个端点?

Can a message be sent to multiple endpoints from within the send mediator in a proxy service?

链接来自 WSO2 ESBSend Mediator 文档在语法"一章中说,如果要将消息发送到一个或多个端点,则使用以下内容:

This link from the WSO2 ESB Send Mediator documentation says under the Syntax chapter that If the message is to be sent to one or more endpoints, then the following is used:

    (endpointref | endpoint)+

其中 endpointref 令牌指的是以下内容:

<endpoint key="name"/>

我尝试在发送下包含两个端点,但在保存代理服务时(在 Developer Studio 中或直接在 ESB Stratos 界面中),第二个端点会被自动删除.我确实去了 Synapse 页面 以查看发送调解员是否有任何意见special 和他们的格式说:

I've tried to include two endpoints under send, but the second one gets removed automatically when saving the proxy service (inside the Developer Studio or straight in the ESB Stratos interface). I did go to the Synapse page for the Send Mediator to see if they say anything special and their format says:

(endpointref | endpoint)?

现在假设这些字符代表正则表达式,?代表0次或1次,+代表1次或多次.WSO2 是否在 Synapse Send Mediator 之上实现了这个额外的一个或多个端点"功能,或者它只是文档页面上的一个错误.如果他们这样做了,使其工作的确切语法是什么?

Now assuming these characters represent regular expression, ? stands for 0 or 1 times, + is 1 or more times. Did WSO2 implement this extra "one or more endpoints" feature on top of Synapse Send Mediator or is it just a mistake on the documentation pages. If they did, what's the exact syntax to make it work?



其实你可以用 收件人列表端点 将一条消息发送到多个端点.将收件人列表存储为 localentry 并将其作为端点密钥提供后.

Actually you can use Recipienlist endpoint to send a single message to multiple endpoints.After defining recipient list store taht as localentry and provide that as endpoint key.

这篇关于WSO2 ESB 发送到多个端点的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 16:29