我有一个网页,需要能够从运行浏览器的本地机器加载文件到DOM。我发现这是很容易做到使用HTML 5 File API。
I've got a web page which needs to be able to load files into the DOM from the local machine on which the browser is running. I've found that this is very easy to do using the HTML 5 File API.
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (fileContents) { ... load contents to a div ... }
reader.readAsText(f) //where f is an HTML5 File object
Annoyingly, I need this to work in IE7, and also some earlier versions of Firefox which don't support the API. Is there any easy way to load a local file into the DOM in older browsers?
Further to the other answers here, it does appear that there's no consistent way of doing this client-side (other than Flash) for older browsers.
然而,对于IE7 / 8,我已经设法使用ActiveX来一起攻击。
For IE7/8 however, I've managed to hack something together using ActiveX.
var filePath = f:\oo.txt;
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var textStream = fso.OpenTextFile(filePath);
var fileData = file.ReadAll();
然后,我可以将此传递给上面问题中的reader.onload函数。显然这是一个坏的,黑客的解决方案,并可能被一些安全政策阻止 - 它至少工作在IE7虽然!
I can then pass this to the same function as reader.onload in the question above. Obviously this is a bad, hacky solution, and liable to be blocked by some security policies - it does at least work for IE7 though!
这篇关于HTML 4相当于HTML 5的FileReader?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!