I am trying to make a post request with the MongoDB document returned from find query, as the request body in NodeJS.But on the server I'm getting the Error : Invalid JSON. Below is the document that I'm trying to POST
"_id" : ObjectId("5739a6bf3f1b41477570dc89"),
"taskCount" : 2,
"study" : "cod",
"phase" : "mansa2",
"rhimeTaskId" : "5739a6bec4567f6e737fd3db",
"recordId" : "5726f3cfc4567f6e737fc3ab",
"recordStudy" : "codstudy",
"recordPhase" : "mansa2",
"recordLanguage" : "Punjabi",
"recordScript" : "Latin",
"_state" : "CodingComplete",
"tasks" : [
"physician" : ObjectId("5739a6bd3f1b41477570dc78"),
"stage" : "Coding",
"result" : {
"cod" : "C15",
"feedback" : {
"narrativeLength" : "Adequate",
"positiveSymptomsIncluded" : "Only Positive",
"certainty" : "High"
"keywords" : [
"52 yr male, died of food pipe cancer, suffered pain upper abdomen, investigated,FNAC confirmed Cancer, Put on Chemotherapy, multiple cycles, died at home, had fever with chills occasionally"
"physician" : ObjectId("5739a6bd3f1b41477570dc79"),
"stage" : "Coding",
"result" : {
"cod" : "C15",
"feedback" : {
"narrativeLength" : "Inadequate",
"positiveSymptomsIncluded" : "Only Positive",
"certainty" : "High"
"keywords" : [
"severe pain abdomen, ultrasonography revealed food pipe cancer, chemotherapy given, died"
"__v" : 2
and here is the code that I wrote to make the POST request
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
var request = require('request');
var assert = require('assert');
var cmeprovisioning= 'mongodb://localhost:27017/cmeprovisioning';
MongoClient.connect(cmeprovisioning, function(err, db) {
assert.equal(null, err);
var count=0;
console.log("Connected to cmeprovisioning");
var cursor =db.collection('rhimeReport').find(
cursor.each(function(err, doc) {
assert.equal(err, null);
if (doc != null) {
request({url: "http://cme.host.net:8081/cme-provisioning/update",
method: "POST",json: true,
headers: {"content-type": "application/json"},
json: doc
console.log("POST Error "+count+" "+e)
console.log("POST Response "+count+" "+r)
console.log("POST BODY "+count+" "+b)
} else {
console.log("Some Error : "+err)
我也尝试使用JSON.stringify(doc),但仍然收到Invalid JSON错误.有没有一种方法可以使用find查询返回的mongo文档并将其转换为JSON以发出POST请求.
I also tried using JSON.stringify(doc), but still got the Invalid JSON error. Is there a way I can use mongo document returned by the find query and convert it to JSON to make the POST request.
I think those ObjectID is what making it an invalid JSON document.
you need to convert object id to string ie.
var result = {
"_id": ObjectId("5739a6bf3f1b41477570dc89"),
"taskCount": 2,
"study": "cod"
//now convert to string
//now you can use the result