I am getting the following error on a page we are loading:
Unable to add text to HTML HEAD tag.
[empty string]
caused by
Unable to add text to HTML HEAD tag.
ColdFusion was unable to add the text you specified to the output stream. This is probably because you have already used a CFFLUSH tag in your template or buffered output is turned off.
I've done a sweep of all the files that are included in our application and cannot find anything that uses CFFlush.
输出在所有cfcs和组件上设置为no。我也试着在文件中添加cfsetting showdebugoutput = no。这没有帮助。
output is set to 'no' on all cfcs and components. I also tried adding cfsetting showdebugoutput = no in a file. That didn't help.
I turned request debugging on in cfadmin and that didn't help.
HTML Head在我们应用程式的其他部分运作良好,只是似乎在这一页。
The HTML Head works fine in other parts of our app, it just seems to be on this one page.
如果是特别长的网页,则CF可以自己刷新缓冲区。如果您签入CFAdmin,则在设置页面上有最大输出缓冲区大小的设置。我相信默认值是1024 KB。如果您的网页超过1兆内容,则CF可能会在您的< cfhtmlhead />
代码运行之前清除缓冲区。请尝试增加缓冲区大小,或更改< cfhtmlhead />
If it's a particularly long page, then CF may be flushing the buffer on its own. If you check in the CFAdmin, on the settings page, there is a setting for Maximum Output Buffer size. I believe the default is 1024 KB. If your page is over 1 meg of content, then CF may flush the buffer before your <cfhtmlhead />
tag runs. Try increasing the buffer size, or changing the placement of the <cfhtmlhead />
tag to see if that corrects the issue.