#Code to fetch a key from Couachbase serially again and again
from couchbase.client import Couchbase
couchbase = Couchbase("ubuntumartini03", "default", "")
bucket = couchbase["martini-tag-manager"]
while True:
print bucket.get("somekey")
结果:运行此代码,我能够每秒 500个操作 .
Result: Running this code I was able to make 500 ops per sec.
Action: I ran four instances of this code.
结果:我能够实现 每秒2000次操作 .
Result: I was able to make 2000 ops per sec.
Conclusion: Bottleneck is something else than max possible ops couchbase can entertain per sec OR max possible ops the given machine can make, for the above given code.
How to make max possible ops per sec by single instance itself?
Couchbase Pytnon客户端基本上是同步的,不会利用您可能拥有的多个内核.它正在尝试实现多线程行为,但是使用CPython解释器绝对是没有意义的.只有使用Gevent之类的方法完全重新实现才有帮助.
Couchbase Pytnon client is basically synchronous and doesn't leverage multiple cores that you probably have. It's trying to implement multi-threaded behavior but with CPython interpreter it's absolutely pointless. Only complete re-implementation using something like Gevent would help.
这篇关于如何使用Coubase Python客户端库高效检索?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!