我正在处理 Google Chrome 推送通知,我正在尝试将有效负载发送给 google chrome 工作人员,但是,我不知道我是如何接收此有效负载的.
I'm working on the Google Chrome Push Notification and I'm trying to send the payload to the google chrome worker but, I have no idea how I receive this payload.
我有一个 API 可以在我的数据库中创建和保存通知,我需要通过 https://android.googleapis.com/gcm/send
I have an API to create and save the notifications in my database and I need send the values through the https://android.googleapis.com/gcm/send
and receive on the worker.js
这是我的 worker.js
This is my worker.js
self.addEventListener('push', function(event) {
var title = 'Yay a message.';
var body = 'We have received a push message.';
var icon = '/images/icon-192x192.png';
var tag = 'simple-push-demo-notification-tag';
self.registration.showNotification(title, {
body: body,
icon: icon,
tag: tag
这就是我调用 GCM 的方式
And this is how I'm calling the GCM
curl --header "Authorization: key=AIzaSyDQjYDxeS9MM0LcJm3oR6B7MU7Ad2x2Vqc" --header "Content-Type: application/json" https://android.googleapis.com/gcm/send -d "{ "data":{"foo":"bar"}, "registration_ids":["APA91bGqJpCmyCnSHLjY6STaBQEumz3eFY9r-2CHTtbsUMzBttq0crU3nEXzzU9TxNpsYeFmjA27urSaszKtA0WWC3yez1hhneLjbwJqlRdc_Yj1EiqLHluVwHB6V4FNdXdKb_gc_-7rbkYkypI3MtHpEaJbWsj6M5Pgs4nKqQ2R-WNho82mnRU"]}"
我试图获取 event.data
I tried to get event.data
but, this is undefined.
Does anyone have any idea or sugestion?
要检索该数据,您需要将event.data.text()"解析为 JSON 对象.我猜自从你试图让它工作以来,有些东西已经更新了,但现在它可以工作了.倒霉!
To retrieve that data, you need to parse "event.data.text()" to a JSON object. I'm guessing something was updated since you tried to get this to work, but it works now. Unlucky!
However, since I made it to this post when searching for a solution myself, others would probably like a working answer. Here it is:
// Push message event handler
self.addEventListener('push', function(event) {
// If true, the event holds data
// Need to parse to JSON format
// - Consider event.data.text() the "stringify()"
// version of the data
var payload = JSON.parse(event.data.text());
// For those of you who love logging
var title = payload.data.title;
var body = payload.data.body;
var icon = './assets/icons/icon.ico'
var tag = 'notification-tag';
// Wait until payload is fetched
self.registration.showNotification(title, {
body: body,
icon: icon,
tag: tag,
data: {} // Keeping this here in case I need it later
} else {
console.log("Event does not have data...");
}); // End push listener
// Notification Click event
self.addEventListener('notificationclick', function(event) {
console.log("Notification Clicked");
}); // End click listener
就我个人而言,我将创建一个通用"通知,以防我的数据有问题,并且还将使用 try/catch.我建议也这样做.
Personally, I will be creating a "generic" notification in case my data is funky, and will also be using try/catch. I suggest doing the same.
这篇关于使用 Javascript 将数据/有效负载发送到 Google Chrome 推送通知的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!