

假设我有一个名为 Foo 的javascript函数/类,它有一个名为 bar 的属性。我希望在实例化类时提供 bar 的值,例如:

Say I have a javascript function/class called Foo and it has a property called bar. I want the value of bar to be supplied when the class is instantiated, e.g:

var myFoo = new Foo(5);

myFoo.bar 设置为5。

如果我使 bar 一个公共变量,那么这是有效的,例如:

If I make bar a public variable, then this works, e.g:

function Foo(bar)
    this.bar = bar;


But if I want to make it private, e.g:

function Foo(bar)
   var bar;

然后我如何设置私有变量的值 bar 使其可用于 foo的所有内部函数

Then how would I set the value of the private variable bar such that its available to all internal functions of foo?



You have to put all functions that need to access the private variable inside the constructor:

function Foo(bar)
  //bar is inside a closure now, only these functions can access it
  this.setBar = function() {bar = 5;}
  this.getBar = function() {return bar;}
  //Other functions

var myFoo = new Foo(5);
myFoo.bar;      //Undefined, cannot access variable closure
myFoo.getBar(); //Works, returns 5


08-18 15:00