我正在使用Firebase Notifications构建一个应用程序,用户可以在其中输入邮政编码,然后接收有关其本地发生的特定事件的通知.
I'm building an app using Firebase Notifications where a user can enter their zip code and then receive notifications for specific events happening in their locality.
如何仅将通知发送给特定用户?我曾尝试在Firebase Notifications的 Advanced Options 部分中包括邮政编码,但是它仍会将通知发送给所有用户.
How do I only send notifications to a specific user? I've tried including Zip Code in the Advanced Options sections of Firebase Notifications, but it still sends the notification to all users.
Seems like Topics is what you are looking for. When the user enters their zipcode you can subscribe them to a topic eg: /topics/zip then you can send to the appropriate zipcode from the console. Subscribing will create the topic if it does not already exist.
Note: Topics can take up to 24 hours to show up in the console after they are created.