使用 VB6
我想设置项目,上次我使用 VB 6 打包和部署向导.它要求修改一些系统文件.我修改了我的系统文件,然后它工作了.现在我又想设置我的新项目,要求更改系统文件.
I want to setup the Project, Last time I used VB 6 Package and Deployment wizard. It asks to modify some system file. I modified my system file, and then it worked. Now again I want to setup my new project, is asking to change the system file.
Once I set up the project, is asking to change the system file and crystal report files (like crystl32.ocx… etc)
Is showing error like, "out of stack space", "out of system date" etc...
设置 vb 项目的最佳方法是什么?如果有任何软件可用于设置项目.
What is best way to setup a vb project? If there is any software is available for setup a project.
在设置 VB 6 项目时总是遇到问题,请任何人帮助解决我的问题?
Always am getting a problem for setup a VB 6 project, please Can any one help to solve my problem?
我一直在用 Advanced Installer(对于 VB.NET 项目,但没关系),免费版功能强大且易于使用.
I've been using Advanced Installer (for VB.NET projects, but that doesn't matter), the free version is very capable and easy to use.
但是要回答您的问题,听起来包向导已处于不良状态.在这种情况下,我会重新安装 VB6.
But to answer your question, sounds like the package wizard has got itself in a bad state. I'd re-install VB6 in that case.
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