I'm trying to copy files from a windows share to my node's cache. Apparently there's no way to do that from remote_file so my alternative thought is to try and mount the windows share to a local drive and access the files I need via the file resource. However even though Chef is telling me the mount succeeded I'm unable to see the share and access it on the node.
mount "H:" do
device "\\\\ \\software"
action :mount
Recipe: ossec::default←[0m
* mount[H:] action mount←[0m[2014-06-04T07:37:03-07:00] INFO: Processing mount
[H:] action mount (ossec::default line 20)
[2014-06-04T07:37:03-07:00] INFO: mount[H:] mounted
- mount to H:←[0m
[2014-06-04T07:37:07-07:00] INFO: Chef Run complete in 3.8376 seconds
[2014-06-04T07:37:07-07:00] INFO: Running report handlers
[2014-06-04T07:37:07-07:00] INFO: Report handlers complete
Chef Client finished, 1 resources updated←[0m
Based on this output the share is getting mounted, however it's no available on the windows node.
这很正常。 Windows驱动器映射不在会话之间共享,因此在运行Chef的会话中映射的驱动器在任何其他会话中都不可见。此外,默认情况下映射不是永久性的,因此在一个Chef会话中创建的映射在以后的会话中将不可用(默认情况下)。
This is normal. Windows drive mappings are not shared across sessions, so drives mapped in the session where Chef is running are not visible in any other sessions. In addition, mappings are not persistent by default so a mapping made in one Chef session will not be available (by default) in later sessions.