我正在尝试使长列表中的哪个文件引发错误更加清晰。我试过将 c >循环,这将引发错误,因为它是 xlsx 文件。
Below, we create a directory with three files, two of which should be read correctly into a list by the for loop, one which will throw an error because it's a xlsx file.
dir.create("Demo999") setwd("Demo999") write.csv(mtcars,"mtcars.csv") xlsx::write.xlsx(mtcars,"mtcars.xlsx") write.csv(mtcars,"mtcars2.csv") files <- list.files() data <- list() for (i in files){ f <- read.csv(i) data[[i]] <- f } # clean up generated files setwd("..") unlink("Demo999", recursive= TRUE, force= TRUE)
"Error: mtcars.xlsx has a formatting problem."
此代码无法运行,但是 tryCatch 块的示例:
This code does not run, but is a sample tryCatch block:
tryCatch({ for (i in files){ f <- read.csv(i) data[[i]] <- f } }, error = function() sprintf("Error: %s has a formatting problem", i))
将 tryCatch 放入循环内,而不是在循环之外。您不想尝试整个循环,如果循环失败,请执行其他操作;您希望循环尝试每个列表元素,并在失败时显示错误。这样,您可以返回并仅尝试重新尝试失败的文件。尝试以下操作:
Put the tryCatch inside the loop, not outside the loop. You don't want try the whole loop, and do something else if the loop fails; you want the loop to try each list element, and print an error if it fails. This way you can go back and re-attempt only the failed files. Try this:
for (i in files){ tryCatch({ f <- read.csv(i) data[[i]] <- f }, error = function(e) print(sprintf("Error: %s has a formatting problem", i)) ) } # [1] "Error: mtcars.xlsx has a formatting problem" names(data) # [1] "mtcars.csv" "mtcars2.csv"
请注意,在此示例中,您知道名称(数据)成功的原因,因此您可以轻松找到失败= setdiff(文件,名称(数据))。
Note that, in this nice example, you know what succeeded from the names(data), so you can easily find fails = setdiff(files, names(data)).