Whenever, WL is stopped it doesn't delete its temporary directories .. i.e.
domains / mydomain / servers / myserver / tmp / _WL_TEMP_APP_DOWNLOADS
/ domains / mydomain / servers / myserver / tmp / _WL_user /
/ domains / mydomain / servers / myserver / stage
and because of this, when we deploy new application, it doesn't deploy some JSP or some classes and it keeps the old version of those files. resulting in lots of business errors + runtime error.
Is it a known issue ? How can we tackle it?
In general WL will cache your deployment and won't redeploy unless it is asked to. But it depends on how you deployed your application and if the server is in production or development mode. See development deployments and production deployments.
一个简单的解决方法,转到 / domains / mydomain / servers / myserver / 目录并删除:
One easy fix, go to the /domains/mydomain/servers/myserver/ directory and delete:
- tmp
- 缓存
- 日志
- tmp
- cache
- logs
and leave the data and security directory. Then restart. This will force WL to redeploy.
我的原始答案包括删除数据目录,但是如下面的@ g-demecki和@ j23指出的那样,可能会搞乱一个管理服务器。我相信删除托管服务器上的数据目录是可以的。
My original answer included a delete of the data directory but as @g-demecki and @j23 point out below, that can mess up an admin server. I believe it is OK to delete the data directory on a managed server.
这篇关于WebLogic 10中的临时目录的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!