我有一个C ++应用程序,当我观察到任务管理器,它显示应用程序的内存使用量逐渐增加。
我手动检查我的源代码, a href =http://vld.codeplex.com/ =nofollow>视觉泄漏检测器Visual C ++ 找到内存泄漏,但我找不到任何。
这对于泄漏检测是没有用的,除非你泄漏gobs。 / p>
I have a C++ Application, when I observe Task Manager, it shows that applicaiton's memory usage increases gradually.
I manually check my source code, and I used Visual Leak Detector for Visual C++ to find memory leak, but I couldn't find any.Is it 100% that there is a memory leak, and I couldn't find it or is there any possibility that Task Manager misguide me?
It isn't. It has several options for memory statistics (use View + Columns) and the version matters but the default view shows the working set. How much of the virtual memory your program uses is actually in RAM. That's a statistical number that can change very quickly. Just minimize the main window of your app for example.
The VM size it can show isn't great either. That number includes free heap blocks. Getting actual memory in use is very tricky, read the small print in the SDK article for HeapWalk.
It is useless for leak detection, unless you leak gobs of it.