我已经学习Objective-C已有一段时间了.据我了解,我知道当您在 .h文件中的@interface
I have been learning Objective-C for awhile. From what I learned, I know that when you declare a variable inside @interface
in the .h file, the variable can be accessed publicly(similar as a public variable in java).
@interface MyObject
@property NSInteger intData;
但是当您在 .m文件的@interface
But when you declare it inside @interface
in the .m file. It can only be accessed inside the .m file under @implementation only, unless you provide a getter and setter for it.
@interface MyObject ()
@property NSInteger intData;
But I also noticed another way of declaring a variable, which is declaring it under @implementation
NSInteger intData;
and I see that it works the same way as declaring it under @interface
with @property
in .m file
我不明白两者之间的区别(在@implementation和@interface(在 .m文件中声明)).
I don't understand the difference between the two(declaring under @implementation and under @interface(in .m file).
我已经在堆栈中进行了搜索,但是他们都在谈论@implementation和@interface(在 .h文件中)之间的区别.因此,认为这不是重复项.
I've already searched through stack about this, but they were all talking about the difference between @implementation and @interface(in .h file). So think this is not a duplicate.
First off, you're not declaring a variable; you're declaring a property. A property is backed by an instance-variable, but it also adds methods. Here's an explanation of the places to put variables:
@interface MyClass : NSObject {
NSInteger i ;
这是在您的类上放置实例变量的地方.它只能通过您的类和类别的方法来访问. (旁注:可以从外部访问它,但这不是推荐的做法)
This is a place to put an instance variable on your class. It is only accessible by methods of your class and categories. (Sidenote: it CAN be made accessible externally, but that's not a recommended practice)
@interface MyClass : NSObject
@implementation MyClass {
NSInteger i ;
这也是一个实例变量,但只能由该块内部编写的方法进行访问. (旁注:可以通过深入研究类定义来访问它,但这不是推荐的(或常见的)做法)
This is also an instance variable, but is only accessibly by methods written inside that block. (Sidenote: it can be accessed by digging through the class definition, but that's not a recommended (or common) practice)
@interface MyClass : NSObject
@property NSInteger i ;
@interface MyClass : NSObject {
NSInteger _i ; // you are not allowed to access it by this variable
- (NSInteger) i ;
- (void) setI:(NSInteger)value ;
This is a property people are allowed to get and set. You use that variable in your methods or in other methods as:
NSLog ( @"The value is %i" , self.i ) ; // if it's your instance method
NSLog ( @"The value is %i" , object.i ) ; // if it's object's instance method
@interface MyClass : NSObject {
NSInteger i ;
@property NSInteger i ;
@implementation MyClass
@synthesize i ; // Causes the property to line up with the ivar by the same name.
@interface MyClass : NSObject {
NSInteger i ; // you ARE allowed to use this since you defined it
- (NSInteger) i ;
- (void) setI:(NSInteger)value ;
Here, you can use the getter/setter methods or the instance variable itself. However, you should generally use the methods because you [implicitly] declared them atomic so they have threading synchronization. If you want to make it NOT do threading (and speed it up, as long as you're not going to use it in a multi-threaded environment):
@property (nonatomic) NSInteger i ;
@property (nonatomic,readonly) NSInteger i ; // only makes a getter method
@interface MyClass : NSObject
@implementation MyClass
NSInteger i ;
This is NOT an instance variable. It is a global variable that happens to have been written inside your @implementation
See above for how to turn this into an instance variable (i.e. putting it in braces).
@interface MyClass ()
@property NSInteger i ;
Doesn't make it private. However, it is hidden in a file that people generally can't access so the compiler doesn't know a property exists.
Other functions elsewhere in your code CAN still call:
[yourObject i] ;
To get the value of that property - but they have to know it's there first.
Addendum to answer a question in the comments:
默认情况下,属性是原子的.它不一定遵循原子的严格定义(这是一罐蠕虫,我建议您现在不要看),但具有相同的效果:保证线程可以完整地看到. -to-date值,而不管何时另一个线程写入该值.通常在合成getter/setter方法时会这样做:
Properties are, by default, atomic. It doesn't necessarily follow the strict definition of atomic (this is a can of worms I suggest you not look at right now), but has the same effect: threads are guaranteed to see a complete and up-to-date value, regardless of when another thread writes to it. It generally does this when it synthesizes the getter/setter methods:
- (NSInteger) i {
@synchronized(self) {
return i ;
- (void) setI:(NSInteger)value {
@synchronized(self) {
i = value ;
If you instead specify nonatomic
, it'll synthesize these:
- (NSInteger) i {
return i ;
- (void) setI:(NSInteger)value {
i = value ;
,则永远不要直接访问ivar.这样做违反了您最初给它的线程保护. (旁注:在某些情况下可以,但是请等到对线程/同步更加熟悉之后再尝试.)
If your property is atomic
, then you shouldn't ever access the ivar directly. Doing so violates the threading protection you gave it to begin with. (Sidenote: there are cases where you can, but wait until you become more familiar with threading/synchronization before you attempt it.)