


I did some research about static variables in objective-c and I found people declare static variables in different places which made me really confused.

  1. 对于以下代码,我可以在实现之外放置静态NSUInteger计数器; 吗? (在我的#importxxx.h之后)

  1. For the following code, can I put static NSUInteger counter;outside of the implementation? (Right after my #import "xxx.h")

我可以放置静态NSUInteger计数器; 在+ initialize类方法里面?

Can I put static NSUInteger counter;inside of +initialize class method?

我可以将静态NSUInteger计数器; 放入实例方法吗?

Can I put static NSUInteger counter; into a instance method?


Most importantly, what are the differences and how to choose where to declare them?


@implementation MyClass

static NSUInteger counter;

+(void)initialize {
    if (self == [MyClass class]) {
        counter = 0;




There are really only two versions out of the ones you provided. There is no difference between declaring them inside or outside the implementation block because static variables are not associated with the class but the file itself. There is also no difference between declaring them in a class method or instance method for the same reason.


The only difference between declaring them inside a method or not, is that if it is declared inside a method, it is only ever accessible from within that same method.


It is always best to declare a variable inside the most specific scope that you can so there is no risk of using it somewhere unintended causing bugs. If you only need to have access to the static variable inside a method, declare it there. Otherwise declare it anywhere else in the file (above where you need it). Where exactly you put it is purely a style thing at that point. I personally prefer it be after the imports but before the @implementation (and class extension if I add one).


05-27 16:12