


  • 客户可以使用他们的电子邮件地址作为登录名登录到在线电子商务应用程序.

  • Customers can login to an online e-Commerce app, using their e-mail addresses as their logins.

我们有一个依赖同一个数据库的 CRM 应用.员工使用 CRM 应用程序添加非在线客户,电子邮件不是此处的必填字段.

We have a CRM app that depends on the same database. Employees use the CRM app to add non-online customers, and e-mail is NOT required field here.

技术上:在 Customer 表中没有什么自然地"进行 PK.无论如何,即使没有自然PK,我也总是使用人工PK.我担心这最终会导致搜索、完整性等方面的问题.不过,我无法确定会出现哪些问题.

Technically:There is nothing "naturally" making a PK in Customer table. Regardless, I always use an artificial PK even if there is no natural one. I'm worried that this will eventually lead to problems in searching, integrity, etc. I can't determine exactly what problems will come up, though.


I think developers won't expect the e-mail column to allow null, and they will create programs ignoring this situation.


Remember that the whole system, and most of the database will depend on customer data, if something goes wrong in the customer table, it will probably be inherited by the other tables.





Is there a specific reason to put these data together in the same table? Do CRM "customers" and e-commerce customers share many other tables in this database?

老实说,我不会把电子商务客户放在这个数据库中.尽管您可以创建视图来轻松分离电子商务和 CRM 数据,但这对我来说似乎完全没有必要.此外,您还没有描述电子商务和 CRM 数据需要存在于同一个数据库中的任何特殊原因.也许你没有在问题中包含一个原因,但如果你问我,这已经很臭了.

Honestly, I would not put e-commerce customers in this database. Although you can create views to easily separate e-commerce and CRM data, this seems totally unnecessary to me. Furthermore, you haven't described any particular reason why e-commerce and CRM data need to live in the same database. Maybe there's a reason you didn't include in the question, but this already smells if you ask me.


From the information you've included here, I don't think you're losing anything significant by creating a separate database and table for the e-commerce customers. Keep unrelated data separate.

更明确地说:如果您的电子商务客户不与 CRM 客户共享大量数据,请创建新的客户表.如果他们确实共享了大量数据,那么一个空列可能不是世界末日.

To make this extra clear: if your e-commerce customers do not share a lot of data with the CRM customers, create new customer tables. If they do share a lot of data, then one null column is likely not the end of the world.


09-05 19:19