此处的Ada noob(通常也不太适合命令行使用).我正在寻找与DOS中的>"类似的Ada命令行重定向器.
Ada noob here (and also not so hot with the command line in general). I am looking for the Ada command line redirector that would be analogous to ">" in DOS.
我正在命令行shell中运行Ada应用程序. (威廉·惠特克的话,如果有帮助的话).我使用"@"命令来获取WORDS应用程序,以从文本文件中读取术语列表.
I am running an Ada application in a command line shell. (William Whitaker's WORDS, if that is helpful). I use the "@" command to get the WORDS application to read the list of terms from a text file.
我希望将输出写入文件,而不只是出现在命令外壳中.我确实看过 http://www.ada-auth .org/standards/12rm/html/RM-A-15.html ,但没有看到任何要重定向的内容*.
I want the output to be written to a file, not to just appear in the command shell. I did look at http://www.ada-auth.org/standards/12rm/html/RM-A-15.html but didn't see anything for redirect*.
Also helpful to know would be whether the ADA command line redirector creates the new file or whether I have to do that myself first.
我需要使用Ada PUT命令吗? Ada.Text_IO?如果是这样,您能指出我如何使用这些命令的语法资源吗?我以前从未用过Ada.
Do I need to use the Ada PUT command? Ada.Text_IO? If so, can you point me to a resource for the grammar of how to use those commands? I've never used Ada before.
Any thoughts? Thanks for your help.
William Whitaker's Words includes an interactive command line interpreter, but it looks like you want to control it from another program using command-line mode. The exact details depend your chosen environment. As a concrete example using bash
, instead of reading from @<file>
, which always writes to WORD.OUT
, execute words
followed by a list of words on standard input; the results appear on standard output:
$ ./words amo amas
am.o V 1 1 PRES ACTIVE IND 1 S
amo, amare, amavi, amatus V (1st) [XXXAO]
love, like; fall in love with; be fond of; have a tendency to;
am.as N 1 1 ACC P F
ama, amae N (1st) F [XXXDO] lesser
bucket; water bucket; (esp. fireman's bucket);
am.as V 1 1 PRES ACTIVE IND 2 S
amo, amare, amavi, amatus V (1st) [XXXAO]
love, like; fall in love with; be fond of; have a tendency to;
From standard output, you can also redirect the results to a file; from python
, you might use commands
or subprocess
; in Java you might use exec()
or ProcessBuilder
, for example:
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("./words", "amo", "amas", "amat");