我正在尝试创建自己的本机win32 C ++复选框,该复选框可以具有透明背景.这样做的目的是使窗口/小部件看起来与Windows XP样式复选框完全一样,只是它可以具有透明的背景.
I am trying to create my own Native win32 C++ Checkbox that can have a transparent background. The idea is to make the window/widget look exactly like the Windows XP style checkbox except that it can have a transparent background.
My Problem: When I draw the tick for my textbox, the 'tick' line looks pixelated and jagged - see my picture below for how it looks. It does not look smooth like the actual checkbox tick.
The left checkbox is mine, the right is the default windows one I am trying to replicate:
如何使刻度线平滑且没有像素化.我可以使用Win32 GDI函数绘制刻度线.我应该使用位图图像而不是在GDI中绘制刻度线吗?目前,我使用PolylineTo()绘制刻度线.也许我应该使用PolylineToEx()?
How can I make my tick smooth and not pixelated. What is a Win32 GDI function I could use to draw the tick. Should I use a bitmap image instead of drawing the tick in GDI? Currently I use PolylineTo() to draw the tick. Maybe I should use PolylineToEx()?
Code for drawing the tick(this code is in WM_PAINT):
HGDIOBJ hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(45,45,45)); //ExtCreatePen(PS_COSMETIC, dwPenStyle[i], 1, &lb, 0, NULL);
HGDIOBJ hPenOld = SelectObject(hdc, hPen);
POINT tickPnts[3] = {{3,((height-CHECK_RECTH)/2)+6}, {5,((height-CHECK_RECTH)/2)+9}, {9,((height-CHECK_RECTH)/2)+2}};
MoveToEx(hdc, tickPnts[0].x, tickPnts[0].y, NULL);
PolylineTo(hdc, tickPnts, 3);
SelectObject(hdc, hPenOld);
Windows使用 Marlett 字体以呈现复选框刻度,窗口框架按钮和其他可缩放的UI元素.您可以使用抗锯齿渲染字体以获得平滑的边缘.
Windows uses the Marlett font to render checkbox ticks, the window frame buttons and other scalable UI elements. You can render the font with anti-aliasing to get smooth edges.
(这肯定曾经是正确的;我不确定Windows 7中的新窗口框架按钮是否使用该字体,但是该字体仍然存在.)
(This certainly used to be true anyway; I don't know for sure that the new window frame buttons in Windows 7 use the font, but the font still exists.)
GDI doesn't do any anti-aliasing, which is why your lines look jagged.