

我有一个 NSToolbarItem ,它使用类似于Xcode状态视图的视图。它目前没有标签,但我不能找出一种方法绘制到通常会绘制项目标签的区域。我想要的视图扩展到那个区域,正如Xcode状态视图。我知道 NSToolbar 的像素的底部是超出边界,但我看到其他应用程序绘制到标签区域。任何想法?

I have a NSToolbarItem that uses a view similar to the Xcode status view. It currently has no label, but I can't figure out a way to draw into the area where the item label would normally be drawn. I would like the view to extend into that area just as the Xcode status view does. I know the very bottom portion of pixels of NSToolbar is out of bounds, but I have seen other applications draw into the label area. Any ideas?


For clarification, this is the status view I'm referring to in Xcode:


I want the bounds of my view to extend past the label area of the toolbar just as the view in Xcode does.


Xcode状态视图不是 NSToolbarItem 是在 NSToolbar 中插入的自定义 NSView

The Xcode status view is not an NSToolbarItem is a custom NSView inserted in the NSToolbar.


09-05 13:46